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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-26
Page range: 337-368
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Seven new species of Spatulaphorus Rack (Acari: Pygmephoridae) phoretic on scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Tyumen State University; Tyumen; 6 Volodarskogo Str.; 625003 Russia
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences; Universitetskaya Embankment 1; 199034; Saint Petersburg; Russia
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences; Universitetskaya Embankment 1; 199034; Saint Petersburg; Russia
Acari Heterostigmata systematics morphology key phoresy


Seven new species of Spatulaphorus (Acari: Pygmephoridae) are described from female mites phoretic on scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), as follows: Spatulaphorus incisus sp. nov. and S. spinisetus sp. nov. from Brazil on Sulcophanaeus faunus and Dichotomius buqueti, respectively; S. brevisetosus sp. nov. from the USA on Phanaeus igneus; S. longisetosus sp. nov. from the USA on Phanaeus difformis and Ph. vindex; S. madagascariensis sp. nov. from Madagascar on Helictopleurus corruscus; S. reductus sp. nov. from Argentina on Ataenius picinus, A. platensis, and A. clavatus, and Parataenius simulator, and S. venezuelaensis sp. nov. from Venezuela from Phanaeus prasinus. Spatulaphorus imbricatipes (Mahunka, 1980) comb. nov. is moved from Pygmephorellus. A key to the world species of the genus Spatulaphorus is also provided.



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