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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-26
Page range: 369-380
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A second species in the polychaete-associated crab genus Gustavus Ahyong & Ng, 2009 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Aphanodactylidae)

Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum; Faculty of Science; National University of Singapore; 2 Conservatory Drive; Singapore 117377; Singapore
Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL); Departamento de Ecologia; Zoologia e Genética; Instituto de Biologia; Campus Universitário Capão do Leão; RS; 96010-610; Brazil; Biological and Environmental Science & Engineering Division; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); Thuwal; Saudi Arabia
Crustacea Thoracotremata taxonomy new taxon symbiosis Terebellidae Saudi Arabia Indian Ocean genus range extension


A second species of the previously monotypic aphanodactylid crab genus Gustavus Ahyong & Ng, 2009 is described from the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. The new species, Gustavus holthuisae sp. nov., inhabits the tubes of terebellid polychaetes near mangrove roots. It can be distinguished from the type species from Guam, Gustavus mecognathus Ahyong & Ng, 2009, by the structure of the dorsal surface of the carapace, the proportions and form of the frontal margin, the shape of the third maxilliped, the armature of the basis-ischium and merus of the third and fourth ambulatory legs, and the structure of the male pleon and gonopods.



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