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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-02
Page range: 467-475
Abstract views: 197
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Taxonomic status of the genus Lunakia, including a redescription of the male and female genitalia of Lunakia alyssella (Klimesch, 1941) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae)

Department of Systematic Zoology; Faculty of Biology; Adam Mickiewicz University; in Poznań; Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego str. 6; 61-614 Poznań; Poland
Tiroler Landesmuseen Betriebsges.m.b.H.; Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen; Sammlungs- und Forschungszentrum; Krajnc-Str. 1; A-6060 Hall in Tirol; Austria
Lepidoptera Plutellidae Lunakia alyssella redescription male and female genitalia


The genital morphology of the Lunakia alyssella (Klimesch, 1941) is redescribed. Additional details of both male and female genitalia are provided, supplemented with accompanying drawings. Anatomical evidence confirms that the genus Lunakia is distinct from the genus Eidophasia within the family Plutellidae. Males are characterized by long, curved appendages of the tegumen, and females by the antrum with a subgenital plate.



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