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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-05
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Two new species of the genus Eucypris (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from Northern Cyprus

Department of Biology; Faculty of Arts and Science; Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University; Bolu; 14300 Türkiye
Department of Biology; Faculty of Arts and Science; Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University; Bolu; 14300 Türkiye
Crustacea new species diversity distribution Mediterranean islands


We propose two new species (Eucypris denktasi sp. nov., and Eucypris lefkosaensis sp. nov.) of the genus Eucypris collected from Northern Cyprus. The new species are established based on the similarities and differences in soft body parts (i.e., absence of d2 in the second thoracic leg and absence of aesthetasc y2 in the A2 of the E. denktasi sp. nov. and absence of d1 and d2 and presence of aesthetasc y2 in the A2 of the E. lefkosaensis sp. nov.), carapace shape, presence of a protrusion in the posterior end of left valve, and absence of wart-like elevations (porenwarzen) in the anterior part in two new species. Along with the new species, the genus itself is also described from the island for the first time in the literature. Hence, E. denktasi sp. nov. and E. lefkosaensis sp. nov. are also the sixth and seventh species of the genus reported from Mediterranean islands. Comparisons of the species distributions are provided and discussed.



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