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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-06
Page range: 281-289
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Two new species of the genus Ennearthron Mellié, 1847 (Coleoptera: Ciidae) from Yunnan Province, China

College of Agriculture and Biological Science; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; P.R. China
College of Agriculture and Biological Science; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; P.R. China
College of Agriculture and Biological Science; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; P.R. China; Co-Innovation Center for Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Integrated Protection and Green Development of Yunnan Province; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; China
College of Agriculture and Biological Science; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; P.R. China; Co-Innovation Center for Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Integrated Protection and Green Development of Yunnan Province; Dali University; Dali; Yunnan 671003; China
Coleoptera Ciidae New species Ennearthron China


Ennearthron acuticornum sp. nov. and Ennearthron jizushanense sp. nov. are described and illustrated from Yunnan Province, China. The two new species have a pair of long horns on the anterior edge of the pronotum (the former with pronotal horns slender and acute, the latter develops thick and slightly shorter pronotal horns than the former) and with relatively large body size in the current known species of the genus Ennearthron Mellié.



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