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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-10
Page range: 548-554
Abstract views: 192
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Description of the first Brazilian species of the genus Malacocis Gorham (Coleoptera: Ciidae)

Departamento de Engenharia Aplicada e Tecnologias Ambientais; Unidade João Monlevade; Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais; 35930-314
Laboratório de Sistemática e Biologia de Coleoptera; Departamento de Biologia Animal; Centro de Ciências Biológicas; Universidade Federal de Viçosa; 36570-900
Coleoptera Ciinae Ciini minute tree-fungus beetles Neotropical


The genus Malacocis Gorham comprises species characterized by a short and broad body, a pronotum usually narrowed anteriorly, a spinose protibial apex, and a strap-like prosternum with a narrow prosternal process. Currently, it includes two species: the type-species M. championi Gorham, from Guatemala; and M. brevicollis (Casey) from eastern USA and Canada. Here we describe Malacocis pankararu sp. nov. from the Caatinga biome of the Northeast Region of Brazil. The new species is distinguished by its antennae with 10 antennomeres, with the 6th antennomere being wider and more conspicuous than the 5th and 7th. Additionally, males possess two small anterocephalic tubercles, a vertexal sex patch, and a small abdominal sex patch.



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