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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-11
Page range: 104-122
Abstract views: 238
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Opsiini leafhopper genus Libengaia Linnavuori (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) in Africa and India with description of one new subgenus and six new species

Department of Entomology; University of Agricultural Sciences; GKVK; Bengaluru 560065; India
Department of Life Science; The Natural History Museum; Cromwell Road; London SW7 5BD; United Kingdom
Department of Entomology; University of Agricultural Sciences; GKVK; Bengaluru 560065; India
Hemiptera Litura Cestius Terminalia morphology ant attendance


The genus Libengaia Linnavuori is redescribed along with one new subgenus Libengaia (Nandiana) subgen. nov. (type species: Litura bharatiensis Malhotra & Sharma) and one new species, L. (Nandiana) ramamurthyi sp. nov. (India: Jarkhand). In addition, five new species of the genus from West Africa, L. (Libengaia) brevistylus sp. nov. (Cameroon), L. (L.) deemingi sp. nov. (Nigeria), L. (L.) immaculata sp. nov. (Cameroon), L. (L.) longistylus sp. nov. (Cameroon) and L. (L) trifida sp. nov. (Nigeria) are described and illustrated. Cestius terminaliae Viraktamath syn. nov. is treated as a junior synonym of Libengaia (Nandiana) bharatiensis (Malhotra & Sharma). L. (L.) deemingi breeds on Terminalia avicennioides Guill. & Perr. and is attended by an ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). L. (N.) bharatiensis also breeds on Terminalia arjuna (Roxb., Wight & Arn.) (Conbretaceae) and shows considerable colour variation.



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