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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-13
Page range: 467-477
Abstract views: 254
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First record of subgenus Corynopus Lepeletier and Brullé, 1835 (Genus Rhopalum Stephens, Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabronini) from India: a new species and a key to Asian species of the subgenus

Department of Entomology; Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University; Hisar-125004; Haryana; India
National Pusa Collection; Division of Entomology; ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute; New Delhi-110012; Delhi; India
Hymenoptera First record Corynopus Rhopalum new species Crabronini India


The subgenus Corynopus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835 of the genus Rhopalum Stephens, 1829 is recorded for the first time from India. A new species, viz., Rhopalum (Corynopus) chettalicum, (India: Karnataka) is described. A key and the checklist of all Asian species of the subgenus Corynopus are provided.



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