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Published: 2024-09-17
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Catalog of the Robber Flies of India (Diptera: Asilidae)

Department of Life Sciences; Imperial College London; South Kensington Campus; London—SW7 2AZ; UK
Department of Zoology; Govt. Degree College; Kulgam—192231 Jammu & Kashmir; India
Shadpada Entomology Research Laboratory; Department of Zoology; Christ College (Affiliated to University of Calicut); Irinjalakuda—680125 Kerala; India
North Carolina State University; Raleigh; North Carolina; U.S.A.
Diptera taxonomy synonymy taxa endemic species fauna geographical distribution biodiversity


A catalog of the species of Asilidae occurring in modern India is provided, based primarily on an extensive review of relevant literature. We report nine subfamilies, 60 valid genera and 478 valid species present in India; 368 species (77%) of the fauna, are currently only known from India and may be endemic, while 27 more species have been removed from the Indian list. The catalog entries provide taxonomic, synonymical, nomenclatural, and geographic information for all species taxa. This work represents just the first step in what must be a thorough and systematic review of the Indian Asilidae fauna.



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