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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-18
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Taxonomic Review of the Genus Didymocorypha Wood-Mason, 1877 (Mantodea: Eremiaphilidae) with description of a new species from India

Western Ghat Regional Centre; Zoological Survey of India; Kozhikode; Kerala; India- 673006; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam; Malappuram; Kerala; India- 673635
Western Ghat Regional Centre; Zoological Survey of India; Kozhikode; Kerala; India- 673006
Mantodea Didymocorypha revision new species Southern Western Ghats India


The genus Didymocorypha Wood-Mason, 1877 (Mantodea: Eremiaphilidae: Iridinae), distributed in the Oriental Region, is revised with data on morphology, ecology, distribution and life history. A new species, D. wayanadensis sp. nov., is described from three specimens from India. This new species is the first record of Didymocorypha from Kerala and Punjab states, India. A key to the world species of Didymocorypha is included.



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