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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-20
Page range: 343-372
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Four new species and a key to Australian species of the genus Diochus Erichson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae, Diochini)

Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; 1 Beichen West Rd.; Chaoyang District; Beijing 100101; P. R. China; University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; 19A Yuquan Rd.; Shijingshan District; Beijing 100049; P. R. China
Australian National Insect Collection; CSIRO; GPO Box 1700; Canberra; Australia
CZ-41762 Rtyně nad Bílinou; č. 4; Czech Republic
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; 1 Beichen West Rd.; Chaoyang District; Beijing 100101; P. R. China; University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; 19A Yuquan Rd.; Shijingshan District; Beijing 100049; P. R. China
Coleoptera Diochus ColeopteraStaphylinidae Staphylininae Diochini taxonomy new species lectotype Australia


The Australian species of the genus Diochus Erichson, 1839 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae, Diochini) are reviewed and four new species are described: Diochus basseti sp. nov. and D. weiri sp. nov. from Queensland, D. lawrencei sp. nov. from Northern and Western Australia, and D. slipinskii sp. nov. from Western Australia. Four previously described species from Australia are revised here based on the examination of type material: Diochus divisus Fauvel, 1877, D. octavii Fauvel, 1877, D. longus Lea, 1929, and D. pubiventris Lea, 1929. A key to all eight species is included, along with photographs and line drawing plates for each species. A lectotype for Diochus divisus Fauvel, 1877 is designated.



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