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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-27
Page range: 201-231
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A redescription and range extension of Trimeresurus caudornatus Chen, Ding, Vogel & Shi, 2020 (Serpentes: Viperidae)

Institute for Research and Training in Medicine; Biology and Pharmacy; Duy Tan University; Da Nang; 550000; Vietnam; College of Medicine and Pharmacy; Duy Tan University; 120 Hoang Minh Thao; Lien Chieu; Da Nang; 550000; Vietnam
Department of Vertebrate Zoology; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leninskiye Gory; GSP–1; Moscow 119991; Russia
Native Species Conservation and Identification in Myanmar; Mandalay; Myanmar
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor; 48109; United States
Department of Vertebrate Zoology; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leninskiye Gory; GSP–1; Moscow 119991; Russia; Joint Vietnam - Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Centre; 63 Nguyen Van Huyen Road; Nghia Do; Cau Giay; Hanoi; Vietnam
Institut de Systématique; Évolution et Biodiversité (ISYEB); Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle; Sorbonne Université; École Pratique des Hautes Études; Université des Antilles; CNRS; CP 30; 57 rue Cuvier; F-75005 Paris; France
Society for South East Asian Herpetology; Im Sand-3; D-69115 Heidelberg; Germany
Reptilia morphology Myanmar new record phylogeny taxonomy Trimeresurus albolabris T. salazar


The pitviper species Trimeresurus caudornatus was recently described based on only two specimens from Nabang Town, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China. Here, we provide additional data on this species based on a re-examination of 19 preserved specimens, 16 specimens reported in earlier literature sources, and additional photo-documented records from northern Myanmar (Burma) and adjacent China. All new specimens were previously identified as Trimeresurus albolabris sensu lato or Trimeresurus septentrionalis sensu lato. Molecular analyses based on mitochondrial DNA supported the morphological findings in establishing conspecificity with T. caudornatus. The newly identified specimens have a pairwise distance of only 0.4–2.6% from those of the type series of T. caudornatus (based on the cytochrome b gene). Based on these findings, we confirm the presence of T. caudornatus from Myanmar and update its diagnostic characters and distribution. We suggest the species should be considered as Least Concern (LC) following the IUCN’s Red List categories. Further studies reassessing the populations of the Trimeresurus albolabris complex are required.



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