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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-27
Page range: 273-293
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An illustrated catalog of the South American Austroleptidae (Diptera: Tabanomorpha), with a compilation of all known records and new records from Chile and Argentina

Universidade Federal de Goiás; Campus Samambaia; Campus II. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Departamento de Ecologia; ICB1. Av. Esperança; s/n; 74.690-900. Goiânia; GO; Brazil
Instituto de Entomología; Facultad de Ciencias Básicas; Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación; Santiago; Chile
Área de Entomología; Museo Nacional de Historia Natural; Santiago; Chile
California Department of Food and Agriculture; Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch; 3294 Meadowview Road; Sacramento; California; USA 95832-1448
Diptera Andean Region catalogue distribution species list taxonomy


A list of all eight species of Austroleptis Hardy, 1920, the only genus of Austroleptidae, from South America is provided, including photos of type specimens of four Chilean species and all distributional records given in the literature and from labels of newly examined material, which are added into a map. The list of species, including photos of additional material, is presented in a catalog format that gives all nomenclatural information and relevant literature about the species. Two undescribed species are indicated and four described species have their distribution expanded: A. atriceps Malloch, 1932 is now recorded in La Araucanía Region, Chile, and in Río Negro Province, Argentina; A. breviflagella Nagatomi & Nagatomi, 1987 has its first records for Ñuble and La Araucanía Regions; A. fulviceps Malloch, 1932 is now reported from Maule and Ñuble Regions; and A. penai Nagatomi & Nagatomi, 1987 is now reported from Los Lagos Region.



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