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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-08
Page range: 143-150
Abstract views: 323
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A new species of the genus Notodoma Lacordaire, 1854 (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) from Korea, with a revised key to species of the genus

Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea; Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea; Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea; Department of Life Sciences; Natural History Museum; London; UK; Department of Life Sciences; Imperial College London; Ascot; UK; Crop Protection Division; Department of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection; National Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Wanju 55365; Jeollabuk-do; Republic of Korea
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea; Crop Protection Division; Department of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection; National Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Wanju 55365; Jeollabuk-do; Republic of Korea
Insect Biosystematics Laboratory; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea; Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea
Coleoptera Histeridae Notodoma New species Korea


A new species of the genus Notodoma Lacordaire, 1854 (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini), Notodoma koreanum sp. nov., is described from Korea. Most of them recognized from various fungi colonies, feeding on small insect eggs or larvae, as well as fungi. We present the descriptions and images of diagnostic characters for Korean Notodoma species, including Notodoma fungorum Lewis, 1884. Additionally, a revised key to all seven species of the genus Notodoma worldwide, including the newly described species, is provided.



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