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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-09
Page range: 384-394
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Revision of Madagascan Cleridae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea). Part I.—The genus Biflabelotillus Pic, 1949 (Tillinae)

Mendel University in Brno; Department of Forest Ecology; Zemědělská 3; CZ- 613 00 Brno; Czech Republic
Mendel University in Brno; Department of Forest Ecology; Zemědělská 3; CZ- 613 00 Brno; Czech Republic
Coleoptera new species Madagascar checkered beetles identification key


The genus Biflabelotillus Pic, 1949 is reviewed and a new species B. bicolorus sp. nov. is described. The female of Biflabelotillus peyrierasi Menier, 1979 is reported with remarks on the sexually dimorphic morphology and colour variation. Lectotype is designated for Biflabelotillus foveolatus Pic, 1949. Photographs of habitus and significant morphological features, new faunistic data and a key to the species are provided.



  1. Corporaal, J.B. (1950) Cleridae. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Supplementa Pars 23. Uitgeverij. Dr. W. Junk, ‘s-Gravenhage, 373 pp.
  2. Edwards, M.A. & Hopwood, A.T. (1966) Nomenclator Zoologicus. Vol. VI. 1946–1955. Zoological Society of London, London, viii + 329 pp.
  3. Fairmaire, L. (1902) Materiaux pour la faune coléoptèrique de la région Malgache (14e note). Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 71, 532– 568.
  4. Gerstmeier, R. & Weiss, I. (2009) Revision of the genera Diplocladus Fairmaire, 1885 and Strotocera Schenkling, 1902 (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Tillinae). Zootaxa, 2242 (1), 1–54.
  5. ICZN (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4th Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, xxix + 306 pp.
  6. Mawdsley, J. (1993) A key to the species of the genus Myrmecomaea Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Cleridae) with checklist of species, notes on mimicry, and discussion of endemism in Madagascan Cleridae. Y. E. S. Quarterly, 10 (4), 19–29
  7. Menier, J.J. (1979) Une espéce malgache inédite du genere Biflabellotillus: B. peyrierasi, n. sp. (Col. Cleridae). Revue française d’Entomologie, New Series, 1 (8), 75– 77.
  8. Pic, M. (1949) Clerides de Madagascar. Diversités Entomologiques V., 1949, 1– 16.
  9. Pic, M. (1953) Coléoptères nouveaux de Madagascar. Mémoires de l’Institut Scientifique de Madagascar, Série E, 3, 253– 278.
  10. Winkler, J.R. (1961) Die Buntkäfer (Cleridae). A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg, Lutherstadt, 108 pp.