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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-09
Page range: 423-429
Abstract views: 279
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First record of Monalonion velezangeli (Hemiptera: Miridae) affecting avocado and cherimoya (Annona cherimola) as new hosts in Ecuador

Centro KOPIA - Ecuador
Instituto Nacional de investigaciones Agropecuarias INIAP; Ecuador
Escuela Politécnica Nacional; Ecuador
Instituto Nacional de investigaciones Agropecuarias INIAP; Ecuador
Centro KOPIA - Ecuador
Instituto Nacional de investigaciones Agropecuarias INIAP; Ecuador
Centro KOPIA - Ecuador
Hemiptera Persea americana pest coffee chamusquina bug diversity morphology


Monalonion velezangeli is a polyphagous hemipteran reported as one of the main pests of economic importance in avocado and coffee crops. This is the first report of M. velezangeli affecting avocado (Persea americana (Mill)) in Ecuador and the first report of cherimoya (Annona cherimola) as a new host plant. The species was identified through classical taxonomy based on morphology, with parallel molecular identification targeting the cytochrome oxidase I region.



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