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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-14
Page range: 128-138
Abstract views: 539
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A new genus and species of Peleopodidae Hodges, 1974 (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from South-East Asia

Department of Zoology; University of Chittagong; Chittagong‒4331; Bangladesh
Department of Zoology; University of Chittagong; Chittagong‒4331; Bangladesh
Lepidoptera curved-horn moths Paraxenoacria digitiform projection wing venation Bangladesh


Paraxenoacria gen. nov., a new genus belonging to the family Peleopodidae is described to accommodate a new species Paraxenoacria spinosa sp. nov. from Bangladesh. This genus is peculiar and clearly distinct from the other genera of this family and others of the related families on the basis of external morphology as well as genitalia features of males such as having downwardly curved digitiform projections in the tegumen and distinct shape of the valva. Additionally, analysis of observations from different citizen science platforms reveals that this newly described genus is distributed throughout South-East Asia up to Malaysia. The biological aspects of this new species are also provided. The genus is tentatively being placed within the subfamily Acriinae due to its close resemblance to the genus Acria Stephens, 1834 pending further comprehensive taxonomic study.



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