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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-23
Page range: 283-299
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Exploring the Anomala fuscosignata-complex: discovery of two new species from southern China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)

College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; 483 Wushan Road; Guangzhou; 510642; China
Rostocker Straße 1a; Gnoien; 17179; Germany
College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; 483 Wushan Road; Guangzhou; 510642; China
Coleoptera taxonomy phylogeny species delimitation female genitalia Anomalini


An investigation towards taxonomy of the Anomala fuscosignata-complex from southern China and northern Vietnam was conducted through direct morphological comparison and molecular phylogenetic analysis, which results in discovery of two new species: A. nanlingensis Zhao, Zorn & Liu, sp. nov. and A. zhengyucheni Zhao, Zorn & Liu, sp. nov. The morphological differences in female genitalia and low genetic divergence as well as their taxonomic implications within Anomalini are discussed.



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