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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-23
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Taxonomic study of the genus Hesperus Fauvel (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philonthina) from Nanling Priority Area for Biodiversity Conservation, China, with description of two new species

Department of Biology; Shanghai Normal University; 100 Guilin Road; Shanghai 200234; China
Department of Biology; Shanghai Normal University; 100 Guilin Road; Shanghai 200234; China
Coleoptera Staphylinini new records new species Nanling


A taxonomic study of the genus Hesperus Fauvel 1874 from Nanling Priority Area for Biodiversity Conservation, China is presented. Two new species of Hesperus are described: H. baimingi sp. nov. (Hunan) and H. nanlingensis sp. nov. (Guangdong, Guangxi). Habitus and diagnostic characters of all mentioned species are photographed and illustrated. A key to species of Hesperus from Nanling Priority Area for Biodiversity Conservation is provided.



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