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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-23
Page range: 622-632
Abstract views: 190
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Identification and morphological description of the larva of Uloma (Uloma) excisa excisa Gebien, 1914 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Ulomini)

Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province; College of Life Sciences; Institute of Life Science and Green Development; Hebei University; 071002; Baoding; Hebei Province; China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province; College of Life Sciences; Institute of Life Science and Green Development; Hebei University; 071002; Baoding; Hebei Province; China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province; College of Life Sciences; Institute of Life Science and Green Development; Hebei University; 071002; Baoding; Hebei Province; China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province; College of Life Sciences; Institute of Life Science and Green Development; Hebei University; 071002; Baoding; Hebei Province; China
Coleoptera Uloma (Uloma) excisa excisa immature stages morphology COI China


The larva of Uloma (Uloma) excisa excisa Gebien, 1914, from southern China, is associated with the adult by using molecular phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA COI sequences. The morphological characteristics of the larva of this species are described and illustrated in detail for the first time. A key to the larvae of three Chinese Uloma species is provided.



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