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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-23
Page range: 668-691
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Review of the genus Novius Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from China with description of four new species

Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510640; China; Engineering Research Center of Biological Control; Ministry of Education; Guangzhou 510640; China
Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510640; China; Engineering Research Center of Biological Control; Ministry of Education; Guangzhou 510640; China
Guangzhou Customs District Technology Center; Guangzhou 510623; China
Yuxi Branch of Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Company; Yuxi 653100; China
Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510640; China; Engineering Research Center of Biological Control; Ministry of Education; Guangzhou 510640; China
Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510640; China; Engineering Research Center of Biological Control; Ministry of Education; Guangzhou 510640; China
Coleoptera Coccinellidea Noviini new species new distribution




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