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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-08
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The genus Euodynerus Dalla Torre in Europe and the Maghreb (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae)

Via dei Tarquini; 22—01100 Viterbo; Italy
T.I. Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station—Nature Reserve of RAS—Branch of A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS; Nauki Str. 24; Kurortnoye; 298188 Feodosiya; Russia
CREA Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CREA-AA); Via di Corticella 133; 40128; Bologna; Italy
Hymenoptera Pareuodynerus Mediterranean taxonomy solitary wasps barcoding


The genus Euodynerus Dalla Torre, 1904 (= Extraepipona Gusenleitner, 2014, syn. nov.; Euodynerus occultus (Gusenleitner, 2014), comb. nov.) is revised in Europe and the Maghreb, combining morphological data and DNA barcoding. New synonymies are proposed for E. (Pareuodynerus) Blüthgen, 1938 (= E. (Incolepipona) Giordani Soika, 1994, syn. nov.), E. annae (Kostylev, 1937) (= Euodynerus shirazensis Giordani Soika, 1970, syn. nov.), E. caspicus (Morawitz, 1873) (= Euodynerus caspicus armeniacus Gusenleitner, 2016, syn. nov.), E. curictensis Blüthgen, 1940 (= Euodynerus curictensis sardous Borsato, 2006, syn. nov.), E. dantici (Rossi, 1790) (= Euodynerus dantici poggii Giordani Soika, 1986, syn. nov.; = Euodynerus minoricensis Sanza, 2003, syn. nov.), E. quadrifasciatus (Fabricius, 1793) (= Euodynerus quadrifasciatus atripes Giordani Soika, 1976, syn. nov.; = Euodynerus quadrifasciatus rufipes Gusenleitner, 1984, syn. nov.; = Euodynerus quadrifasciatus eburnus Yamane, 1987, syn. nov.), E. rubrosignatus Gusenleitner, 1984, stat. nov. (= Euodynerus notatus cyrenaicus Giordani Soika, 1986, syn. nov.) and E. variegatus (Fabricius, 1793) (= Odynerus crenatus kruegeri von Schulthess, 1928, syn. nov.). Euodynerus quadrifasciatus rubrosignatus Gusenleitner, 1984 is raised to species-level (E. rubrosignatus, stat. nov.), and E. bidentoides (Giordani Soika, 1953), sp. resurr. is removed from synonymy with E. bidentiformis (Giordani Soika, 1942). Euodynerus bidentatus (Lepeletier, 1841) is transferred from the subgenus Pareuodynerus to Euodynerus s. str. A key for the identification of the Euro-Maghrebi species of Euodynerus and reference photos for each species are provided.



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