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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-08
Page range: 270-280
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Discovery of Elytrurini in Wallacea with a description of Exophthalmida elytrodon sp. nov. from Morotai Island (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae)

Institute of Biodiversity; NGO; 109 West Wyoming Ave.; Melrose; MA 02176; USA
Museo di Storia naturale del Salento; 73021 Calimera (Lecce); Italy
World Biodiversity Association Onlus c/o Museo Civico di Storia Naturale; Lungadige Porta Vittoria 9; Verona; Italy
Beaty Centre for Species Discovery; Canadian Museum of Nature; 1740 Chemin Pink; Gatineau; Quebec; J9J 3N7; Canada
Coleoptera Wallacea biogeography new species weevils island fauna lydekker’s line Moluccas Indonesia Australasia biogeographyhost plant pili nut


This study presents the first record of the weevil tribe Elytrurini in Wallacea with the discovery and description of a new species, Exophthalmida elytrodon Yunakov, Bollino, Pancini and Anderson sp. nov., from Morotai Island. Exophthalmida elytrodon sp. nov. is distinguished by its unique morphological traits, including long preapical spines on the elytral declivity in females, which sets it apart from other species in the genus. Remarkably, similar spines are characteristic of other Entiminae of the Australasian region, i.e. Elytrurus Boisduval, 1835 and particularly Ottistira Pascoe, 1872. Distribution maps of Exophthalmida Faust, 1892 and Elytrurni are given. This discovery challenges previous biogeographic assumptions about the distribution of Elytrurini, which were thought to be confined to regions eastward of New Guinea.



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