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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-11
Page range: 301-324
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The Rhyacophila fasciata Species Complex (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) in Turkey with description of a new species, Rhyacophila anatolica Ekingen & Valladolid, sp. nov., based on morphological, genetic, and ecological evidence

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC); c/ José Gutiérrez Abascal; 2; 28006 Madrid; Spain
Laboratory of Biomonitoring; Section of Hydrobiology; Department of Biology; Hacettepe University; 06800 Beytepe; Ankara; Turkey
Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA-CSIC); c/ Serrano 115; dpdo.; 28006 Madrid; Spain
Department of Collections; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC); c/ José Gutiérrez Abascal; 2; 28006 Madrid; Spain
Department of Collections; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC); c/ José Gutiérrez Abascal; 2; 28006 Madrid; Spain
Trichoptera Morphology larva pupa imago mitochondrial DNA COI ecology distribution


The morphology of the larva, pupa, male, and female of Rhyacophila anatolica Ekingen & Valladolid, sp. nov., from Turkey is described. We also present molecular mtCOI data, and compare sequences of R. anatolica with corresponding data from R. fasciata Hagen 1859, as well as with other species in the “R. fasciata Species Complex”: R. septentrionis McLachlan 1865, R. denticulata McLachlan 1879, R. sociata Navás 1916, R. kykladica Malicky & Sipahiler 1993, R. delici Kučinić & Valladolid 2020, R. viteceki Valladolid & Kučinić 2020, R. macedonica Karaouzas, Valladolid & Ibrahimi 2022, and R. loeffleri Valladolid & Waringer 2023. Our study revealed morphological differences between R. fasciata and R. anatolica, as well as genetic differences among the other taxa of the “R. fasciata Species Complex,” supporting the recognition of R. anatolica as a new species.



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