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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-11
Page range: 439-444
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A new genus and species of Paranthrenini from Angola (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart; Rosenstein 1; 70191 Stuttgart; Germany
Hungarian Natural Heritage Trust. H-9945 Kercaszomor; Fő út 57. Hungary
Lepidoptera new species Cossoidea taxonomy southern Africa


A new genus and species, Afranthrene cinerea gen. & sp. nov., from Angola is described and depicted. The new genus belongs to the Adixoa Hampson, [1893] genera group and is related to the African genera Fortikona Bartsch & Sáfián, 2023, Rubukona Fischer, 2007 and Thyranthrene Hampson, 1919. The female, early instars and host plant of the new species are unknown.



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