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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-13
Page range: 89-94
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Two new species of Parascatopse Cook, 1955 (Diptera: Scatopsidae) from China, with a key to species in the Palearctic and Oriental Regions

Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193; China
National Natural History Museum of China; Beijing 100050; China
Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193; China
Diptera Scatopsidae minute scavenger fly Parascatopse China taxonomy key


Two new species of the genus Parascatopse are reported from China: P. rotunda sp. nov. and P. concava sp. nov.. A key to the species of Parascatopse in the Palearctic and Oriental Regions is also provided.



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