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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-14
Page range: 127-152
Abstract views: 357
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Two new genera of Neotropical Dasymutillini (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Sphaeropthalminae): Goncharovtilla gen. nov. from Brazil and Dasyphuta gen. nov. from Panama

Plant Pest Diagnostics Center; California Department of Food and Agriculture; Sacramento; California; USA
Universidad de Panamá; Facultad Ciencias Naturales; Exactas y Tecnología; Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild; Departamento de Zoología; Panamá
Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica; Santa Teresa; Espírito Santo; Brazil
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; Uberaba; Minas Gerais; Brazil
School of Life Sciences; University of KwaZulu-Natal; Pietermaritzburg; South Africa
Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco; Colegiado de Ciências Biológicas. Petrolina; PE; Brazil
Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco; Colegiado de Ciências Biológicas. Petrolina; PE; Brazil
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Universidade Federal do Pará; Belém; PA; Brazil
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; Uberaba; Minas Gerais; Brazil
Hymenoptera velvet ants taxonomy South America Central America


Two new monotypic genera are described within the tribe Dasymutillini: Goncharovtilla Williams, Bartholomay & Lopez, gen. nov. (type species: G. oblomovi Williams, Bartholomay & Lopez, sp. nov.) and Dasyphuta Cambra, Williams & Brothers, gen. nov. (type species: D. gorgupea Cambra, Williams & Brothers, sp. nov.). Both genera are known from both sexes. A key to the genera of Dasymutillini from the New World is provided. With these new genera the tribe Dasymutillini now contains 13 genera.



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