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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-14
Page range: 169-176
Abstract views: 205
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Pheosia liwangi—a new species from coniferous forests of southeastern Tibet (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae, Notodontinae)

University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805 Bamako; Mali.; Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich; Großhaderner Str. 2; D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried; Germany. Bavarian Natural History Collections (SNSB-ZSM); D-81247 Munich; Germany.; Barvikhinskaya str. 4/2/416; RUS-121596 Moscow; Russia. Altai State University; pr. Lenina 61; RUS-656049 Barnaul; Russia
Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Hadassah Medical School; The Hebrew University; Kalman Ya’akov Man St.; 91120 Jerusalem; Israel
Calberlastr; 3; D-01326 Dresden; Germany
Barvikhinskaya str. 4/2/416; RUS-121596 Moscow; Russia.
Altai State University; pr. Lenina 61; RUS-656049 Barnaul; Russia
Lepidoptera biodiversity China new species Palearctic Sichuan xizang


A new species of the genus Pheosia Hübner, 1819, Pheosia liwangi Prozorov, Schintlmeister & Müller sp. nov., from Xizang and Sichuan Provinces in China is described. The new species is compared with Pheosia gelupka Gaede, 1934; Pheosia buddhista (Püngeler, 1899); and Pheosia mayri Saldaitis, Prozorov, Morozov, Yakovlev, Müller & Dûda, 2024. Adults of both sexes, their genitalia and map of collecting localities are illustrated.



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