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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-15
Page range: 264-282
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Remarks on the genus Emeljanovianus Dlabola, 1965 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae), with description of a new species from Italy

Rosaurus Research Center of Auchenorrhynchology; section 2; Piazza San Faustino 16; I-01100 Viterbo; Italy
University of Padua; Department of Agronomy; Food; Natural Resources; Animals and Environment (DAFNAE); Viale dell’Università 16; 35020; Legnaro; Padova; Italy
Rosaurus Research Center of Auchenorrhynchology; section 3; Neckarhalde 48; D-72070 Tübingen; Germany
Hemiptera Cicadomorpha Deltocephalinae distribution morphology new species Palearctic Realm taxonomic remarks


Emeljanvianus hyperprocessatus sp. n. from Italy is described and illustrated. It is closely related to E. medius (Mulsant & Rey, 1855) and E. hilaris (Melichar, 1900) but is easily distinguished from these species by the structure of the male genitalia, specifically the aedeagus and the pygofer lobe process. Taxonomic problems concerning E. medius and E. hilaris and their distribution in the Palearctic region are discussed. The synonymy of E. medius and E. signatus (Haupt, 1917) is confirmed.



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