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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-15
Page range: 283-289
Abstract views: 189
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First record of Prabhergia Salmon (Collembola: Tullbergiidae: Tullbergiinae) in the Neotropics with a description of a new species from Brazil

Laboratório de Collembola; Departamento de Entomologia; Museu Nacional; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Quinta da Boa Vista; São Cristóvão; 20.940.040 Rio de Janeiro; Brazil
Laboratório de Collembola; Departamento de Entomologia; Museu Nacional; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Quinta da Boa Vista; São Cristóvão; 20.940.040 Rio de Janeiro; Brazil
Collembola Botanical Garden New record Springtail Taxonomy


The genus Prabhergia Salmon, 1965, known so far only in Asia, is recorded for the first time in Brazil. This genus is characterized especially by presence of pseudocelli along the tergites; postantennal organ arranged in two rows with 3 and 4 vesicles respectively (originally listed as 3-5 vesicles in each row), sensory organ of antennal segment III with two sense clubs, robust, exposed and facing each other on the anterior surface, and a single sense club, robust and exposed, on the posterior surface, furca absent and anal spines present. The new species Prabhergia mana sp. nov. is described based on specimens found in bee nests in the ground in the Botanical Garden, city of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state.



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