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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-18
Page range: 339-356
Abstract views: 241
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A new species of freshwater crab from the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, East Africa, with a redescription of Telphusa infravallata Hilgendorf, 1898 (Brachyura: Potamoidea: Potamonautidae)

Department of Biology; Northern Michigan University; Marquette; MI; USA
Department of Biology; Northern Michigan University; Marquette; MI; USA
Amani Arcopotamonautes decapod crustaceans distribution Potamonautinae taxonomy


This work describes a new species of freshwater crab from the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania from previously unidentified museum material. A second species from these mountains, T. infravallata Hilgendorf, 1898, is redescribed based on reexamination of the type material, and its gonopods and mandible are illustrated for the first time. Diagnoses, illustrations, and a distribution map are provided for these species.



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