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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-18
Page range: 391-400
Abstract views: 229
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Description of a new species of the Loxerebia saxicola (Oberthür, 1876)-complex from Guizhou, Southwest China (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)

School of Biological Sciences; Guizhou Education University; 550018; Guiyang; Guizhou; China; Chongqing Museum of Natural History; 400700; Beibei; Chongqing; China
School of Biological Sciences; Guizhou Education University; 550018; Guiyang; Guizhou; China; Chongqing Museum of Natural History; 400700; Beibei; Chongqing; China
Lepidoptera Satyrini Ypthimina Callerebia Palearctic taxonomy


In this paper, a new species of the Loxerebia saxicola (Oberthür, 1876)-complex, viz. L. zangkena Lang & Wang sp. nov., is described from Guizhou province, Southwest China.



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