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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-25
Page range: 51-60
Abstract views: 224
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Omiamima tarensis Pešić & Borovec sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Еntiminae) from Tara Mountain in Serbia

University of Kragujevac; Faculty of Science; P.O. Box 60; 34000 Kragujevac; Republic of Serbia
Sloupno 64; 503 53 Smidary; Czech Republic
Coleoptera Omiini amphigonic population Omiamima mollina sexual dimorphism re-description Western Serbia


A new species of weevil in the tribe Omiini from Tara Mountain, Serbia Omiamima tarensis Pešić & Borovec sp. nov., is described, illustrated, and compared with related species. The presence of an amphigonic population of Omiamima mollina (Boheman) from Serbia is recorded for the first time and facilitated the re-description of the sexual dimorphism in O. mollina and the definition of the new species. Omiamima tarensis has been collected in association with Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis (Schaeff.) Rothm. (Fabaceae).



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