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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-25
Page range: 84-88
Abstract views: 226
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A new species of Atarphia (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae) from Laos

Department of Biology; College of Life Science; Brigham Young University; Provo; UT; USA
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology; North Carolina State University; Raleigh; NC; USA
Coleoptera Taxonomy Nitidulinae Southeast Asia Palaeartic Oriental


A new species of the genus Atarphia Reitter, 1884 is described from Phongsaly province, Laos. The new species, Atarphia mammutha sp. nov., is diagnosed from the three previously described members of the genus. An updated key to the species of Atarphia and additional distributional records are provided.



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  3. Lucas R. (1920) Catalogus alphabeticus generum et subgenerum Coleopterorum orbis terrarum totius (famil., trib.,subtr., sect. incl.). Pars 1. Nicolaische Verlags-Buchhandlung R. Stricker, Berlin, xxx + 696 pp.
  4. Reitter, E. (1884) Die Nitiduliden Japans. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 3, 257–272 + 299–302.