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Type: Article
Published: 2024-11-27
Page range: 307-325
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On species of Anisodactylus of the Russian Far East, with a description of a new species and the first record of A. tricuspidatus for Russia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini)

Zoological Institute; Russian Academy of Sciences; Universitetskaya emb. 1; Saint Petersburg 199034; Russia
Moscow State Pedagogical University; Institute of Biology & Chemistry; Zoology & Ecology Department; Kibalchicha str. 6; build. 3; Moscow 129164; Russia
Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity; Zoology Department; Laboratory of Entomology; pr. 100-letiya Vladivostoka 159; 690022 Vladivostok; Russia
Coleoptera ground beetles Primorye Territory new species new record lectotype designation identification key


A review of the ground beetle genus Anisodactylus Dejean, 1829 of the Russian Far East is given. The fauna of this region includes four species of two subgenera: A. (Pseudanisodactylus) signatus (Panzer, 1796), A. (P.) punctatipennis Morawitz, 1862, A. (Anisodactylus) tricuspidatus Morawitz, 1863 and A. (A.) arsenjevi sp. nov. The latter species is described from several localities in the southern Primorye Territory (type locality: 1 km S Beltsovo Village, Arsenjevka River floodplain, Yakovlevka District); it is rather distinct among the Palaearctic species and most similar in general habitus to some Nearctic species, especially to A. (A.) harrisii LeConte, 1863. Anisodactylus (A.) tricuspidatus is recorded for Russia for the first time. A lectotype of A. punctatipennis is designated. The distribution and distinctive characters of all four species are discussed, and a key for their determination is provided; their habitus and male and female genitalia are illustrated.



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