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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-04
Page range: 423-432
Abstract views: 264
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New geometrid moths from Iraqi Kurdistan (Lepidoptera, Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae)

Department of Forest Ecology; Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology; University of Mendel; Brno; Czechia.; Department of Biology; College of Science; University of Sulaimani; Sulaymaniyah; Kurdistan Region; Iraq
SNSB—Zoologische Staatssammlung München Münchhausenstr. 21D-81247 Munich; Germany
Lepidoptera Idaea Lulavia Protorhoe fauna


A large number of geometrid moths was collected by the first author in Iraqi Kurdistan including several undescribed species and subspecies. In this paper we describe three new geometrid taxa: Idaea medianocturna walaila ssp. nov., Lulavia mahwii sp. nov. and Protorhoe drechseli nebuloides ssp. nov. We present differential diagnoses and images of adult moths and genitalia.



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