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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-12-04
Page range: 440-444
Abstract views: 208
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First report of Hyalococcus striatus (Russell) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Asterolecaniidae), an alien pest on sweet orange in India

National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (ICAR—NBAIR); Post Bag No. 2491; H.A. Farm post; Bellary Road; Bengaluru 560024; Karnataka; India
ICAR-AICRP on Fruits; Citrus Research Station; DRYSRHU; Tirupati 517502; Andhra Pradesh; India
ICAR-AICRP on Fruits; Citrus Research Station; DRYSRHU; Tirupati 517502; Andhra Pradesh; India
ICAR-AICRP on Fruits; Citrus Research Station; DRYSRHU; Tirupati 517502; Andhra Pradesh; India
AICRP on Fruits; Indian Institute of Horticultural Research; Hessaraghatta Lake post 560 089; Karnataka; India
Division of Genomic Resources; National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources; Post Bag No. 2491; H.A. Farm post; Bellary Road; Bengaluru 560 024; Karnataka; India
National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (ICAR—NBAIR); Post Bag No. 2491; H.A. Farm post; Bellary Road; Bengaluru 560024; Karnataka; India
Hemiptera Hyalococcus striatus India


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