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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-12-04
Page range: 445-450
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What are Halomachilis akkesiensis and Halomachilis kojimai described from Hokkaido, Japan? (Insecta: Archaeognatha: Machilidae)

Department of Agrobiological Resources; Faculty of Agriculture; Meijo University; 1-501 Shiogamaguchi; Tenpaku; Nagoya; Aichi 468-8502; Japan.; Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science; Fukushima University; Kanayagawa 1; Fukushima; Fukushima 960-1296; Japan.
Sugadaira Research Station; Mountain Science Center; University of Tsukuba; Sugadaira Kogen 1278-294; Ueda; Nagano 386-2204; Japan.
Archaeognatha Machilidae Japan


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