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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-10
Page range: 145-158
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Three new records of the conger eels (Anguilliformes: Congridae) from Taiwan and the Dongsha Islands

Institute of Marine Biology; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202; Taiwan; R.O.C.
Department of Aquaculture; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202; Taiwan; R.O.C.; Center of Excellence for the Oceans; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202; Taiwan; R.O.C.
Institute of Marine Biology; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202; Taiwan; R.O.C.; Center of Excellence for the Oceans; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202; Taiwan; R.O.C.
Pisces New record fish fauna fish taxonomy Taiwan Congridae


Three newly recorded species of conger eels were recently discovered in Taiwanese waters and the South China Sea. These are Heteroconger polyzona Bleeker, 1868; Parabathymyrus philippinensis Ho, Smith & Shao, 2015; and Congriscus maldivensis (Norman, 1939). A brief description of the Taiwanese collections is provided in this paper.



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