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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-12
Page range: 380-386
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Phylogeny of tribe Dacini revisited (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae)

9 Yew Tree Court; Carlisle; Cumbria CA2 5QA; United Kingdom
Griffith University Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security; Qld 4111; Australia
Diptera Ceratitidini Dacini Gastrozonini phylogeny


Phylogenetic relationships within the Dacini are discussed, with Dacimita David & Hancock and Ichneumonopsis Hardy transferred from tribe Gastrozonini to tribe Dacini based on synapomorphies and regarded as sister taxa to Monacrostichus Bezzi and Dacus Fabricius + Bactrocera Macquart respectively. The Madagascan genus Tythocalama Munro is removed from synonymy with subgenus Dacus (Neodacus) Perkins and placed as a new synonym of subgenus Dacus (Mictodacus) Munro.



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