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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-17
Page range: 105-115
Abstract views: 947
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A remarkable new genus and species of Mictini from southern China (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae)

No. 8 Courtyard; Shunsha Road; Beijing 102200; China
College of Plant Protection; Yunnan Agricultural University; Kunming 650201; China
College of Fisheries; Ocean University of China; Qingdao 266003; China
Hemiptera Coreoidea Taxonomy DNA barcoding


In this paper, we describe a new genus, Phyllomictis gen. nov., to accommodate a new species of the tribe Mictini from southern China, Phyllomictis chinensis sp. nov. The new genus is morphologically similar to genera Derepteryx White, 1839 and Helcomeria Stål, 1873 but shows substantial genetic divergence and differs in the pronotum, hind femora, and hind tibiae. We discuss the potential distribution range and relationships, and provide a key to the genera of Mictini in China.



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