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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-19
Page range: 320-330
Abstract views: 185
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Description of a new subspecies of Lethe gemina Leech, 1891 from northern Guangdong of China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve; Daqiao Town; Ruyuan County; Shaoguan; Guangdong Province; 512727; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
Lepidoptera Satyrini Lethina wing pattern genitalia COI distribution Nanling


Based upon morphological and molecular evidences, a new subspecies of Lethe gemina Leech, 1891, namely L. gemina bicolor subsp. nov., is described from northern Guangdong Province of China. The adults and genitalia of both sexes are illustrated. Differences in wing patterns of this new taxon and the seven known subspecies of L. gemina are discussed.



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