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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-12-24
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Taxonomic revision of the family Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) in Korea, including seven newly recorded species of the genus Coleophora Hübner

Insect Systematic Bioinformatics Laboratory; Department of Plant Medicine; Chungbuk National University; Cheongju; 28644; Korea
Insect Systematic Bioinformatics Laboratory; Department of Plant Medicine; Chungbuk National University; Cheongju; 28644; Korea
Lepidoptera Coleophoridae microlepidoptera Korean fauna Korean peninsula new record


We report seven species of the family Coleophoridae (Gelechioidea) for the first time in Korea: Coleophora clypeiferella Hofmann, 1871; C. kamchatica (Anikin, 1999); C. lativittella Erschoff, 1877; C. levantis Baldizzone & Oku, 1988; C. parthenica Meyrick, 1891; C. uliginosella Glitz, 1872; and C. vacciniella Herrich-Schäffer, 1861. Diagnostic characteristics, redescription, and biological information based on previous research by various authors for each of the seven species are provided. Additionally, we include two species, C. montaniella Oku & Kusunoki, 2018, and C. artemisicolella Bruand, 1855, which were not included in the Korean checklist of the family due to an oversight, despite evidence of their distribution in Korea, and exclude two species, C. ulmivorella Oku, 1965, and C. yomogiella Oku, 1974, which turned out to be misidentified. Consequently, with these updates, the total number of known Korean species has been confirmed to be 43 species, an increase from the previously identified 36 species. Furthermore, high-resolution photographs are also provided for 22 species among the previously known 36 species.



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