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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-03
Page range: 336-344
Abstract views: 187
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First description of the male of Otacilia tham Jäger, 2022, from Laos (Arachnida: Araneae: Phrurolithidae)

Arachnology; Senckenberg Research Institute; Senckenberganlage 25; 60325 Frankfurt am Main; Germany
Department of Biology; Faculty of Natural Sciences; National University of Laos; Dong Dok Campus; Vientiane; Lao PDR
Araneae mainland Southeast asia undescribed sex systematics taxonomy troglobiont caves


The male of Otacilia tham Jäger 2022 is described for the first time. It was found in the same cave, Tham Loup (north of Vang Vieng, Laos), from which the female was described. The male shows the same somatic characters as the holotype female with unpigmented remnants of the four lateral eyes present. It is most similar to O. saszykaska Jäger 2022, a species with eight pigmented eyes found in Tham Phoukham, a cave about 13 air kilometres apart from Tham Loup. It is hypothesised that several intermittent streams may act as barriers, dividing the larger limestone massif into smaller karst networks. Ecological aspects of Tham Loup, including faunistic aspects, are described on the basis of several visits. General conservation issues are discussed.



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