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Published: 2025-01-07
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An atlas of wing photographs and a key to species of the genus Culicoides Latreille from Mexico (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), including new records, new synonymy, two new species and new status of Culicoides neghmei Vargas and C. propinquus Macfie

Laboratorio de Entomología; Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos-InDRE; Francisco de P. Miranda No. 177; Col. Unidad Lomas Plateros; D.T. Álvaro Obregón; CP. 01480; México City; Mexico
División Entomología; Museo de La Plata; Paseo del Bosque s/n; 1900 La Plata; CCT–ILPLA; Argentina
Florida State Collection of Arthropods; Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services; 1911 SW 34th Street; Gainesville; Florida 32614-7100; U.S.A.
Diptera Biting midges Neotropical Nearctic


An atlas of wing photographs and a key to 91 species of biting midges in the genus Culicoides from Mexico. Culicoides (Diphaomyia) evansi Wirth & Blanton from Morelos and C. (Drymodesmyia) pilosus Wirth & Blanton from Hidalgo are recorded from Mexico. Two new species from Chiapas are described and illustrated, Culicoides ostotlae sp. nov. in the Daedalus group and Culicoides tzotzil sp. nov. in the subgenus Diphaomyia. We proposed a new status for Culicoides neghmei Vargas in the Limai group, which is closely related to C. luglani Jones & Wirth, and C. propinquus Macfie to be included in the subgenus Drymodesmyia. Culicoides wirthomyia Vargas is now a junior synonym of C. jamaicensis Edwards.



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