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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-07
Page range: 97-118
Abstract views: 468
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A hidden treasure along Silk Roads: An unexpected new species of spoon-winged lacewings from Xinjiang, China, and a revision of the genus Brevistoma Tjeder, 1967 (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae)

Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100101; China; Institut de Systématique; Évolution; Biodiversité (ISYEB); Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; CNRS; Sorbonne Université; EPHE; Université des Antilles; CP50; 45 rue Buffon 75005 Paris; France; Department of Entomology; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193; China
School of Electrical and Information Engineering; Zhengzhou University; Zhengzhou 450001; China
Department of Evolutionary Biology; University of Vienna; 1090 Vienna; Austria/ Zoological Department II; Natural History Museum of Vienna; 1010 Vienna; Austria
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine; Medical Parasitology; Medical University of Vienna (MUW); 1090 Vienna; Austria
Department of Life Sciences; University of Siena; Via Aldo Moro 2; I-53100 Siena; Italy
Institut de Systématique; Évolution; Biodiversité (ISYEB); Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle; CNRS; Sorbonne Université; EPHE; Université des Antilles; CP50; 45 rue Buffon 75005 Paris; France
Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100101; China; Department of Entomology; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193; China
Neuroptera Myrmeleontoidea taxonomy Central and West Asia North Africa Turpan


Nemopteridae (spoon-winged or thread-winged lacewings) is a rare group in China, with significant value of conservation. Here, we report a new species of spoon-winged lacewing species, and the third known from China, namely Brevistoma raksasiae Zheng, Ni & Liu sp. nov. (Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae) from the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang. We also revise the genus Brevistoma Tjeder, 1967, providing redescription of three species: B. bardii (Navás, 1914), B. gallagheri Hölzel, 1999, and B. hackeri Hölzel, 1999. Additionally, we restore the validity of B. bourboni (Navás, 1931) stat. rev. The distribution of the new Brevistoma species is remarkable, as the species of this genus had been recorded in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Our new finding highlights the uniqueness of the insect fauna of the Turpan Basin and its biogeographical connection with the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.



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