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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-08
Page range: 273-302
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Identification key to the species of genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from India with three new species and one new record

Centre for DNA Taxonomy; Molecular Systematics Division; Zoological Survey of India; West Bengal; India
Department of Zoology; University of Jammu; Jammu & Kashmir; India
Centre for DNA Taxonomy; Molecular Systematics Division; Zoological Survey of India; West Bengal; India
Centre for DNA Taxonomy; Molecular Systematics Division; Zoological Survey of India; West Bengal; India
Thysanoptera Key Thrips Thripidae new species


A revised key to 52 species of the genus Thrips recorded from India is provided, including two species from Nepal [Thrips meridionalis (Priesner) and Thrips tectus (zur Strassen)] and three new species: Thrips apricus sp. nov. from West Bengal, Thrips hemkundensis sp. nov. from Uttarakhand, and Thrips roseae sp. nov. from Himachal Pradesh. Thrips safrus Mound & Masumoto is first time reported from Punjab, India. We studied the type specimens of 19 species, and non-type specimens of 26 species, but 7 species are included in the key based on the original descriptions.



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  14. ThripsWiki (2023) ThripsWiki - providing information on the World's thrips. Due to the use of ransom ware by cyber criminals this site is unavailable in early 2024. However, a partial Archival copy is available at: Also, a copy of all Thysanoptera names up until 2023 is available on Catalogue of Life at:
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