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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-09
Page range: 522-534
Abstract views: 1717
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Cherax pulverulentus, a new freshwater crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from Southwest Papua Province, Indonesia

Department of Zoology and Fisheries; Faculty of Agrobiology; Food and Natural Resources; Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; Kamýcká 129; Prague—Suchdol 165 00; Czech Republic; Department of Preschool & Primary Education; Faculty of Education; Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem; Pasteurova 1; 400 96 Ústí nad Labem; Czech Republic
IPB University; The Institute for Research and Community Service; Centre for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies; Bogor 166 80; Indonesia
Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters; South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses; University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; Zátiší 728/II; Vodňany 389 25; Czech Republic
Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters; South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses; University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; Zátiší 728/II; Vodňany 389 25; Czech Republic
Crustacea Cherax Parastacidae New Guinea taxonomy morphology phylogeny pet trade freshwater


Cherax pulverulentus sp. nov. is a moderately-sized burrowing freshwater crayfish endemic to the streams west of the Ayamaru Lake in Bird's Head Peninsula (Framu Subdistrict, Southwest Papua Province), the Indonesian part of New Guinea. Although this species has been exploited in the ornamental aquarium trade at least for 21 years, it has not been formally named until now. Its commonly used commercial names in the pet trade are: “Hoa Creek”, “Irian Jaya”, or “Blue Moon” crayfish, but these names are also used for other more bluish or pinkish species of Cherax. Cherax pulverulentus sp. nov. is genetically and morphologically most similar to Cherax pulcher Lukhaup, 2015, but both species may be distinguished by several morphological characteristics and DNA sequence divergence, which support C. pulverulentus sp. nov. as a valid species.



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