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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-13
Page range: 138-158
Abstract views: 189
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A review of Paracricotopus (Brundin, 1947), with the description of two new species and redescription of the adult males of Paracricotopus niger (Kieffer, 1913) and Paracricotopus uliginosus (Brundin, 1947) sensu Sæther (1980) (Chironomidae: Diptera)

Department of Environmental and Life Sciences; Trent University; 1600 West Bank Drive; Peterborough; Ontario; Canada
Department of Fisheries Sciences; Faculty of Natural Resources; University of Kurdistan; Sanandaj; Iran; Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Faculty of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences; Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; Gorgan; Iran
Diptera Adult males New species Norway Paracricotopus Review Tergites setation


In this study, we present a review of Paracricotopus species with emphasis on the characteristics of the adult male and provide other previously unknown and/or unexamined characteristics, particularly those of tergite setation. We also described two new species, Paracricotopus sturae sp. nov. and Paracricotopus torbjorni sp. nov., from Norway, redescribed P. niger and P. uliginosus, provided an updated key to the adult males and a preliminary alternative key based on adult males tergite setation.



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