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Type: Monograph
Published: 2025-01-21
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Review of the Hemipeplinae (Coleoptera: Mycteridae) fauna of the world with descriptions of twenty-nine new species

Department of Biology; Eastern New Mexico University; Portales; NM 88130 USA
Department of Biology; Eastern New Mexico University; Portales; NM 88130 USA
Coleoptera flat palm beetles flower and palm beetles male genitalia morphology-based taxonomy taxonomic review


The Hemipeplinae (Coleoptera: Mycteridae) fauna of the world was reviewed, based on external morphology, morphometrics of head, pronotum, and elytra, and examination of male genitalia of adults. One new genus and twenty-nine new species are described (country of type locality given in parentheses). From the New World, five new species are described: Hemipeplus anishae KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Belize), H. belizensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Belize), H. brasiliensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Brazil), H. pollocki KC, sp. nov. (Mexico), and H. pseudoquadricollis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Brazil). From the Afrotropics, one monotypic genus with its species is described: Eurypeplus quadrimaculatus KC & Pollock, gen. nov., sp. nov. (Madagascar). Twenty-three new species are described from the Austro-Oriental region: H. antennatus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Solomon Islands), Hemipeplus bromineus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Indonesia: Papua), H. bucculentus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Vietnam), H. craigi KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), H. enarotaliensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Indonesia: Papua), H. exhaustus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), H. gressitti KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Indonesia: Papua), H. harkoneni KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. heisenbergi KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), H. joerebeccae KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. labuanensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Malaysia), H. manusicus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), H. monteithi KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Australia), H. neoaustralicus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Australia), H. neoguineensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), H. nigerrimus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. palawanensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. philippinensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. pseudoklematanicus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Malaysia), H. rugosus KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Malaysia), H. luzonensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Philippines), H. saymyname KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (Malaysia), and H. sinensis KC & Pollock, sp. nov. (China). Range extensions of several previously described species are documented: Hemipeplus thomasi Pollock, 1999 is recorded from Texas (Cameron Co.) previously known only from Tamaulipas, Mexico; H. bolivianus Pollock, 1999 is newly recorded from Ecuador; H. alluaudi Grouvelle, 1923 is recorded from Malawi, previously known from southern Kenya; H. miyamotoi Kamiya, 1961 is recorded from Taiwan, previously known from Japan; H. klematanicus (Gestro, 1873), previously known only from Malaysia (Sarawak) is recorded from Thailand and Indonesia. Hemipeplus marginipennis (LeConte, 1856) is proposed as a junior synonym of H. hemipterus Lacordaire, 1854, syn. nov.; a neotype is designated for the latter. Lectotypes for H. australicus Arrow, 1930 and H. nuciferae Arrow, 1930 are designated. To supplement the descriptions of new taxa, images of different aspects of their habiti and male genitalia (whenever possible) are provided along with taxonomic keys for all the known taxa of Hemipeplinae.



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